Co-Parenting If A Child Rejects A Parent During Divorce In this video attorney mediator Scott Levin talks about parental alienation which is when a child rejects a[...]
Meet Scott Levin, Chief PeaceKeeper™ who specializes in negotiating dissolutions and find out how to get started today. As a family law attorney and Certified Divorce Financial[...]
When a marriage ends in divorce, it can be a difficult and traumatic experience for all involved, especially children. Thankfully, the Sandcastles Method offers a kinder, gentler[...]
The debate about family court litigation vs divorce mediation in California is as crucial and timely as ever. In California, many couples choose to separate and[...]
As a divorce mediator, I’m always on the lookout for resources that can inspire my clients to approach their divorce with dignity and cooperation. One book that[...]
It's only in mediation where you're both interacting and investing time, thoughts and money to combine willingness and ownership of an improved life post divorce. There are[...]