San Diego Uncontested Divorce Law

No Court Required

Litigation can be time-consuming and expensive – especially when it comes to divorce. If you are interested in an easy San Diego divorce and ending your marriage efficiently while shielding yourself and your children from the emotional impact of going to court, Scott Levin is a San Diego divorce mediation lawyer who can be a huge help.


In many cases, mediation can provide a settlement that allows both parties to feel like they obtained a favorable outcome while saving time and money – all while keeping the proceedings private. To learn more and to discuss the specifics of your case, contact us today to speak to an experienced San Diego divorce mediation attorney.

What is an Uncontested Divorce?

First, let’s define what an uncontested divorce is. Then, we can talk about the attorney’s role in this type of divorce. An uncontested divorce occurs when both parties agree on all aspects, such as child custody, division of assets, and spousal support.

This type of divorce is typically less expensive and less time-consuming than a contested divorce, where the couple cannot come to an agreement and must go to court. In an uncontested divorce, the couple can file for divorce without the need for a trial or court appearances.

What is an Uncontested Divorce?

First, let’s define what an uncontested divorce is. Then, we can talk about the attorney’s role in this type of divorce. An uncontested divorce occurs when both parties agree on all aspects, such as child custody, division of assets, and spousal support.

This type of divorce is typically less expensive and less time-consuming than a contested divorce, where the couple cannot come to an agreement and must go to court. In an uncontested divorce, the couple can file for divorce without the need for a trial or court appearances.

Benefits of an Uncontested Divorce
in San Diego, California

  • Uncontested divorces are less expensive, especially when choosing San Diego’s best-uncontested divorce service in California. cheaper than contested ones because there are no court or attorney fees for a trial.

  • Uncontested divorces are faster because they don’t require seeing a judge, hiring expensive attorneys or ever going to court. The California no-court required divorce process can take a matter of weeks for all the court filings and agreement drafting to be finished.
  • Divorce can be less stressful with an uncontested divorce, which reduces emotional strain and conflict. This is especially important if you want to protect assets and carefully separate to shield your children of divorce.
  • Uncontested divorce gives the couple more control over their divorce outcome, instead of relying on a judge to make decisions.

Why Choose Expert Divorce
Mediator Scott Levin

Why Choose Expert Divorce
Mediator Scott Levin


Your divorce will be unique to you and your circumstances, but the terms that you and your divorcing spouse will need to resolve are the same as they are for other divorcing couples.


Your divorce will be unique to you and your circumstances, but the terms that you and your divorcing spouse will need to resolve are the same as they are for other divorcing couples.


In California, child custody is addressed in terms of physical and legal custody. Physical custody sets the parenting time schedule, which determines how your children will divide their time between the two of you. California courts are guided by the best interests of the children, and factors like the following all play a role in their decision-making process:

  • The children’s ages and developmental stages
  • The children’s needs and each parent’s ability to adequately address them

  • The status quo – or how well the children are doing in their current living situation in terms of home, school, and community

  • Each parent’s involvement in raising the children to date

Courts begin with the presumption that children are best served when they have a close relationship with each parent, which supports each of you receiving a generous parenting time schedule.

Legal custody addresses how you and your ex will make primary decisions about your children’s upbringing post-divorce and includes decisions about the following:

  • Your children’s schooling

  • Your children’s healthcare

  • Your children’s participation in extracurriculars

  • Your children’s religious upbringing

Legal custody can be sole or joint.


In California, child custody is addressed in terms of physical and legal custody. Physical custody sets the parenting time schedule, which determines how your children will divide their time between the two of you. California courts are guided by the best interests of the children, and factors like the following all play a role in their decision-making process:

  • The children’s ages and developmental stages
  • The children’s needs and each parent’s ability to adequately address them

  • The status quo – or how well the children are doing in their current living situation in terms of home, school, and community

  • Each parent’s involvement in raising the children to date

Courts begin with the presumption that children are best served when they have a close relationship with each parent, which supports each of you receiving a generous parenting time schedule.

Legal custody addresses how you and your ex will make primary decisions about your children’s upbringing post-divorce and includes decisions about the following:

  • Your children’s schooling

  • Your children’s healthcare

  • Your children’s participation in extracurriculars

  • Your children’s religious upbringing

Legal custody can be sole or joint.

Child Support

You and your ex are each responsible for continuing to support your children financially, and child support is the mechanism that helps balance this responsibility between the two of you – according to financial ability. There are state calculation guidelines that determine the child support obligation, and generally, the higher earner pays child support to the other parent – even when they share parenting time equally.

Child Support

You and your ex are each responsible for continuing to support your children financially, and child support is the mechanism that helps balance this responsibility between the two of you – according to financial ability. There are state calculation guidelines that determine the child support obligation, and generally, the higher earner pays child support to the other parent – even when they share parenting time equally.

Division of Marital Property

California is one of the few community property states in the nation. This means that all the assets and debts you accumulate over the course of your marriage are owned equally by both of you and upon divorce, they – or their overall value – typically are divided evenly between you. While this is clear-cut in theory, it’s far less so in practice and often requires considerable negotiations.

Spousal Support

Spousal Support is awarded on a case-by-case basis that takes the specific situation into consideration. When the divorce leaves one spouse unable to cover their own reasonable living expenses while the other has more considerable financial means, alimony that allows the recipient to gain greater financial independence through further education or the acquisition of job skills may be ordered.

Each of these divorce terms will play an important role in your post-divorce life and deserves careful attention. A trusted attorney mediator with extensive experience in family law concerns like divorce can help you and your divorcing spouse hammer out terms that support each of your rights, work for your family, and make sense in relation to your unique case.


Spousal Support is awarded on a case-by-case basis that takes the specific situation into consideration. When the divorce leaves one spouse unable to cover their own reasonable living expenses while the other has more considerable financial means, alimony that allows the recipient to gain greater financial independence through further education or the acquisition of job skills may be ordered.

Each of these divorce terms will play an important role in your post-divorce life and deserves careful attention. A trusted attorney mediator with extensive experience in family law concerns like divorce can help you and your divorcing spouse hammer out terms that support each of your rights, work for your family, and make sense in relation to your unique case.

The Benefits of Keeping
Your Case out of Court

There are a wide range of benefits associated with mediating your divorce terms between yourselves – under the skilled guidance of a focused mediation attorney – including all the following:

  • Mediation allows you to make the decisions that will guide your future – rather than allowing a stranger to make them on your behalf.

  • Mediation can save time, money, effort, and heartache.

  • When you and your spouse work together to resolve your divorce terms, you set the stage for more effective collaborations to come, including co-parenting, which is the right thing to do for your children and honors the marriage you had.

  • Working through your divorce terms collaboratively affords you more space to grapple with your own feelings of grief and loss – rather than fostering nothing but ill will toward your spouse and an unwavering desire to win at all costs.

  • Court proceedings are a matter of public record, but mediation is a private matter.

It can be difficult to overstate the benefits of successful divorce mediation.

The Benefits of Keeping
Your Case out of Court

There are a wide range of benefits associated with mediating your divorce terms between yourselves – under the skilled guidance of a focused mediation attorney – including all the following:

  • Mediation allows you to make the decisions that will guide your future – rather than allowing a stranger to make them on your behalf.

  • Mediation can save time, money, effort, and heartache.

  • When you and your spouse work together to resolve your divorce terms, you set the stage for more effective collaborations to come, including co-parenting, which is the right thing to do for your children and honors the marriage you had.

  • Working through your divorce terms collaboratively affords you more space to grapple with your own feelings of grief and loss – rather than fostering nothing but ill will toward your spouse and an unwavering desire to win at all costs.

  • Court proceedings are a matter of public record, but mediation is a private matter.

It can be difficult to overstate the benefits of successful divorce mediation.

The Role of an Attorney when Parties Agree to Divorce

Now that we understand what an uncontested divorce is and its benefits, let’s discuss the role of an attorney in this type of divorce

The Role of an Attorney when Parties Agree to Divorce

Now that we understand what an uncontested divorce is and its benefits, let’s discuss the role of an attorney in this type of divorce

The Role of an Attorney when Parties Agree to Divorce

Now that we understand what an uncontested divorce is and its benefits, let’s discuss the role of an attorney in this type of divorce

Legal Advice and Guidance

It’s important to consult with the top rated San Diego family lawyer specializing in amicable divorce services. Even if your divorce is uncontested, a divorce lawyer mediator can make sure everything is done right. An attorney can meet to help make sure your settlement is well thought out and complete, and then draft and review your Marital Settlement Agreement to ensure that all legal requirements are met. They can also provide advice on any potential issues that may arise in the future.

Drafting and Reviewing California
Separation Legal Documents

It’s important to consult with the top rated San Diego family lawyer specializing in amicable divorce services. Even if your divorce is uncontested, a divorce lawyer mediator can make sure everything is done right. An attorney can meet to help make sure your settlement is well thought out and complete, and then draft and review your Marital Settlement Agreement to ensure that all legal requirements are met. They can also provide advice on any potential issues that may arise in the future.

Protecting Your Property – Smart Divorce Lawyer

Even in an uncontested divorce, it’s important to have an attorney mediator or other legal professional involved in the case. Hiring our services results in a fair negotiation that both spouses understand and then our online divorce service will prepare your agreement and file the divorce papers.

Avoiding Costly Mistakes

Without the guidance of an attorney, it’s easy to make mistakes in the divorce process. These mistakes can end up costing you more time and money in the long run. An attorney can help you avoid these costly mistakes and ensure that the divorce process goes smoothly.

Legal Advice and Guidance

It’s important to consult with the top rated San Diego family lawyer specializing in amicable divorce services. Even if your divorce is uncontested, a divorce lawyer mediator can make sure everything is done right. An attorney can meet to help make sure your settlement is well thought out and complete, and then draft and review your Marital Settlement Agreement to ensure that all legal requirements are met. They can also provide advice on any potential issues that may arise in the future.

Drafting and Reviewing California
Separation Legal Documents

It’s important to consult with the top rated San Diego family lawyer specializing in amicable divorce services. Even if your divorce is uncontested, a divorce lawyer mediator can make sure everything is done right. An attorney can meet to help make sure your settlement is well thought out and complete, and then draft and review your Marital Settlement Agreement to ensure that all legal requirements are met. They can also provide advice on any potential issues that may arise in the future.

Protecting Your Property – Smart Divorce Lawyer

Even in an uncontested divorce, it’s important to have an attorney mediator or other legal professional involved in the case. Hiring our services results in a fair negotiation that both spouses understand and then our online divorce service will prepare your agreement and file the divorce papers.

Avoiding Costly Mistakes

Without the guidance of an attorney, it’s easy to make mistakes in the divorce process. These mistakes can end up costing you more time and money in the long run. An attorney can help you avoid these costly mistakes and ensure that the divorce process goes smoothly.

How to Find an Attorney for an Uncontested Divorce

If you’ve decided that you still need an attorney for your uncontested divorce, the next step is finding the right one. Here are some tips for finding an attorney for an uncontested divorce.

Ask for Recommendations

Start by asking friends and family for recommendations. If they have gone through a divorce, they may be able to recommend an attorney who helped them with their uncontested divorce. You can also ask other attorneys for recommendations, as they may know someone who specializes in family law.

Our divorce lawyers in San Diego are the best and top rated family law service with more than 300 client reviews. Read our divorce client reviews here.

Schedule a Consultation

Many attorneys offer free consultations, where you can discuss your case and get a feel for the attorney’s approach and personality. This can help you determine if Scott Levin uncontested divorce lawyer is the right fit for your uncontested divorce.

What to Expect During a Divorce Consultation

During a divorce consultation, the attorney will ask you questions about your marriage, assets, and any children involved. They will also ask about your goals for the divorce and any concerns you may have.

This is also a good time to ask the attorney any questions you may have about the divorce process and their experience with uncontested divorces. The attorney will then provide you with an overview of the divorce process and their fees.

How Much Does an Attorney Cost
for an Uncontested Divorce?

The cost of an attorney for an uncontested divorce can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the attorney’s fees. Some attorneys may charge a flat fee for an uncontested divorce, while others may charge an hourly rate. When you meet with our law firm, we will quote a flat fee divorce that is affordable with our divorce lawyer Scott Levin. Scott will discuss the fees so you understand the cost and coverage which so many of our clients comment on the value for our services.

How to Find an Attorney for an Uncontested Divorce

If you’ve decided that you still need an attorney for your uncontested divorce, the next step is finding the right one. Here are some tips for finding an attorney for an uncontested divorce.

Ask for Recommendations

Start by asking friends and family for recommendations. If they have gone through a divorce, they may be able to recommend an attorney who helped them with their uncontested divorce. You can also ask other attorneys for recommendations, as they may know someone who specializes in family law.

Our divorce lawyers in San Diego are the best and top rated family law service with more than 300 client reviews. Read our divorce client reviews here.

Schedule a Consultation

Many attorneys offer free consultations, where you can discuss your case and get a feel for the attorney’s approach and personality. This can help you determine if Scott Levin uncontested divorce lawyer is the right fit for your uncontested divorce.

What to Expect During a Divorce Consultation

During a divorce consultation, the attorney will ask you questions about your marriage, assets, and any children involved. They will also ask about your goals for the divorce and any concerns you may have.

This is also a good time to ask the attorney any questions you may have about the divorce process and their experience with uncontested divorces. The attorney will then provide you with an overview of the divorce process and their fees.

How Much Does an Attorney Cost
for an Uncontested Divorce?

The cost of an attorney for an uncontested divorce can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the attorney’s fees. Some attorneys may charge a flat fee for an uncontested divorce, while others may charge an hourly rate. When you meet with our law firm, we will quote a flat fee divorce that is affordable with our divorce lawyer Scott Levin. Scott will discuss the fees so you understand the cost and coverage which so many of our clients comment on the value for our services.

Scott Levin Voted Best Uncontested Divorce Lawyer in San Diego California

Turn to an Experienced Attorney-Mediator in Southern California for the Help You Need with Scott F. Levin. An accomplished family law mediation attorney at San Diego Mediation Divorce & Family Law who helps couples reach favorable divorce resolutions between themselves.

We provide divorcing couples with the guidance they need to hammer out settlement terms that are a good fit for them, and we welcome the opportunity to also help you. For more information, please feel free to schedule free consultation today.

Scott Levin Voted Best Uncontested Divorce Lawyer in San Diego California

Turn to an Experienced Attorney-Mediator in Southern California for the Help You Need with Scott F. Levin. An accomplished family law mediation attorney at San Diego Mediation Divorce & Family Law who helps couples reach favorable divorce resolutions between themselves.

We provide divorcing couples with the guidance they need to hammer out settlement terms that are a good fit for them, and we welcome the opportunity to also help you. For more information, please feel free to schedule free consultation today.