Child Support Mediation Services

What is child support mediation?

Irvine Divorce Mediation Lawyer

When parents decide to live apart, their focus should be to minimize any financial impact on their children. Both parents should be doing what is best for their children by supporting them financially so they maintain their lifestyle and activities. How parents achieve this financial support is through child support payments made by the higher earning parent and paid and the amount of this monthly obligation can result in a bitter court room battle.

Parents need to recognize the choice they have to resolve disputes over child support without the need to turn things over to attorneys and the courts. They can try to negotiate an agreement by working with a family law mediator.

A divorce mediation lawyer provides parents, partners, and individuals going through a divorce with an alternative dispute resolution process. This process enables them to maintain maximum control over their decisions. In child custody mediation, parties can steer clear of the uncertainty associated with court decisions and instead, they can work together to reach solutions and agreements collaboratively.

Chief PeaceKeeper Scott Levin is a mediation attorney in San Diego who works to ensure that clients come to amicable divorce settlement agreements. As a prominent child support attorney, custody lawyer, divorce advocate, collaborative expert, and mediator in San Diego.

la jolla divorce mediation“As a family law mediator and financial expert with more than two decades exeprience, I am completely dedicated to helping parents resolve disputes for the benefit of their kids. Child support mediation is a specialty of mine.  I offer flat-fee support mediator costs that and help clients achieve child support  settlements without lawyers – Scott Levin, Chief Peacekeeper™

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How Does Child Support Mediation Work?

During a series of meetings attended by both parents and the mediator, we review tax returns, W2s and paystubs to ensure that accurate  income information is inputted into the Dissomaster calculator. 

I also discuss costs beyond child support including how to pay for medical insurance, out of pocket medical costs, activities and childcare.  The key to a successful settlement is to develop a settlement that protect the kids, and enables the family to have as much spending power as possible.  

Once an Agreement is reached, the mediator will write a child support order in the Marital Settlement Agreement. We do all the court filing and drafting of court forms.  The Agreement is approved by the Court and is enforceable at all times in the future.

Can Child Support Be Negotiated in Mediation?

During mediation, parents have the opportunity to select a child support arrangement that meets their needs. This means that Mr. Levin can discuss guidelines with his clients based on their income and the number of children, and he can also ask if they have any proposals for a suitable child support agreement for their circumstances.

Typically, this process involves reviewing the financial plans of both parties to ensure that the decision does not result in financial hardship for anyone. The parents involved must be able to meet their financial obligations while also providing for their child.

Importantly, Mr. Levin will offer information on child support guidelines whenever the parents express interest in learning about them. If they prefer not to address this immediately, the conversation can start in a different way.

How Does San Diego Child Support Mediation Benefit Me?

Mediating child support disputes fosters ongoing positive communication between parents post-separation and prioritizes the well-being of the children. Court litigation processes are often costly and can lead to further discord between parents due to their adversarial nature, resulting in a clear winner and loser.

Instead, mediation is a process in which a mediator, who is a trained neutral third person, helps the parents negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement regarding child support (as well as any other issues the parents want resolved.)

The parents, not the mediator, make the decision. No result is imposed on a disagreeing parent.  The mediator helps to make both parents feel safe and comfortable in each other’s presence. 

A trained family mediator will focus on communications and improving understanding. When parents understand each other better, they can start talking about their problems in a positive way. This can help resolve disagreements.  In mediation, the potential increases for solutions that may go beyond remedies which can be ordered by the court.

A mutually acceptable solution allows both parents to be winners and respect each other. When parents agree on their own, they are more likely to follow through without needing the court to enforce it later. This is crucial as parents must maintain an ongoing relationship and collaborate effectively to co-parent, reducing ongoing tension for the benefit of the children.

Virtual services available, contact us for details. Call (858) 255-1321.


San Diego Divorce Mediation and Family Law
9820 Willow Creek Road Ste 410
San Diego, CA 92131
(858) 255-1321

For a more in-depth understanding of child support or to discuss your mediation requirements, feel free to contact Mr. Scott Levin through our provided contact form to schedule a complimentary custody mediator consultation. Or alternatively you can get in touch using the phone at (858) 255-1321. Schedule your complimentary half-hour introductory consultation at a time that is convenient for you.