Benefits of Hiring a Divorce Coach – San Diego Divorce Mediation & Family Law
There are so many advantages to hiring a divorce coach for a San Diego divorce process. Have you debated for years whether you should stay or go, until you finally decided to pull the trigger and announce your intentions to divorce? Or perhaps he announced out of the blue that he was unhappy and he wanted out. You never saw it coming. Or was it a long slow decline over a period of years until you both decided to stop the aching and divorce? No matter how your marriage ended, if you are just entering the process of divorce, you’re likely feeling like someone has scattered your life as you knew it, into a hundred pieces.
Divorce Coach Advantages
Now you are facing divorce. You know you have to put yourself back together … but how? Your constant inner dialogue is questioning whether you can afford divorce – what will happen to the kids – how can we make sure they’ll be ok – should I go find a job and what will I do – how will I start over…There are so many other questions that need to be answered.
Your list of unknowns keeps growing. And you’re anxious, heartbroken, and lacking the energy to tackle any of the tasks in front of you. You probably don’t know where to start.
So what to do?
A great first step is to hire a divorce coach to help you navigate your emotions, help you figure out a path forward, and to help you make decisions about which process to use (mediation vs litigation), who to hire (which mediator or which lawyer) and to help you stay calm and make smart choices.
In case you want to know more about divorce coaching, we’ve included an interview here with Kelly Myers of Your Divorce Advocate. Ms. Myers is one of the top divorce coaches in San Diego and we hope that you enjoy this conversation between her and our founding partner at San Diego Divorce Mediation, Scott F. Levin Esq CDFA.