Scott F. Levin

Mediator, Family Lawyer & Certified Divorce Financial Analyst

Meet Scott Levin, Chief Peacekeeper™

Scott Levin, Chief Peacekeeper™ is a family law attorney, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and founding partner at San Diego Divorce Mediation and Family Law. 

Scott’s nickname of Chief Peacekeeper™ is trademarked by United States Trademark Office because he truly is known and recognized as one of the elite family lawyer problems solvers in San Diego, all of California and beyond.

Scott wants you to know that divorce doesn’t have to lead to be a court battle with expensive attorneys. In fact, most often a court contested divorce leaves the entire family scarred and with less money and more emotional issues. 

Scott is a family lawyer with special skills and experience. He mediates divorce and family law disputes for hundreds of families separating in San Diego and throughout California. And more than 90 percent of clients reach settlements and resolve family conflicts and divorce peacefully through our marriage mediation services. 

Best Rated Mediator for Divorce Attorney:  Hundreds of 5 Star Client Reviews!

The more than 250 5-star client testimonials Scott Levin divorce servies shed light on the positive impact for our San Diego California community through Scott Levin’s unique talents. So many families benefit and more importantly so do our children.

Scott became an attorney in 2004, and is a graduate of the top rated public law school in the United States – University of Virginia School of Law. He is a family law attorney, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and the founding partner at San
Diego Divorce Mediation and Family Law.

Scott had a successful career as a litigation attorney and has extensive courtroom
experience. But he transitioned our practice so it does not involve representation as litigators in teh courtroom. He was one of the first attorneys to reject litigation cases in San Diego and to totally dive into the niche practice of mediation for the betterment of our neighbors, community, friends and family.

Scott Levin took a stand in 2014, the year he converted our firm with its current family law mediation focus. He decided to put his clients first after years of experiencing the destructive legal structure facing divorcing couples.

With his extensive knowledge of law, business, mediation, and negotiation, Scott Levin is a top rated family law attorney who could make hundreds of thousands of dollars if he wished to litigate divorce cases. But with his dedication to mediation, attorney Levin’s clients benefit from his experience, legal knowledge and his unique care and compassion for San Diego divorce families.

By providing a controlled, safe, and respectful environment, he facilitates the crafting of tailored agreements to resolve disputes quickly and dignifiedly.

Scott also teaches law school students as an adjunct professor at Western Sierra Law School in Oceanside California. The courses are family law related and mainly about community property and asset division which is a specialty of Scott’s as a CDFA divorce financial planner and given his finance background. 

So why did a graduate of a top 5 law school with a great career as a litigator leave it all behind to focus on mediation? Good question, and Scott would prefer to answer it himself in his own

Scott Levin in his own Words: Why Family Law

People often ask me why I chose family law and mediation as my path.

The answer is this: In divorce, no two cases are alike. Every case is like a snowflake or fingerprint in that every situation is different. Yes, I am and always have been good with numbers, finance and math. But my passion is creativity, human impact and family.

In my practice, I don’t simply check boxes and provide template agreements. As a mediator, I help people through one of the biggest changes of their lives. And that gives me the opportunity to have a real impact on people’s lives.

After years of litigating and experiencing the destructive legal structure facing divorcing couples, I decided it was ultimately more important to me to protect families and children. I wanted to save families the time, money and mental stress that comes with divorce.

The number one question I’m asked during consultations is: “What if we don’t agree?”
The reality is that most of my clients are not in initial agreement and have not even talked about what a divorce settlement looks like. I remind people that just because they’re mediating does not mean they’re in agreement. But that’s where I, as the mediator, come in to help them.

Mediation is a practice; it’s an art form. The mediation itself is not the answer. It’s the person
doing the mediation.

So much of my work as a mediator is evaluating how I can help each person, each couple, each family. I don’t have a one-size-fits-all blueprint. I love coming up with creative financial solutions and unique agreements that work best for everyone in the family. I write every agreement using my extensive experience and legal knowledge.

My clients often thank me for not making them feel as if they’re just another case file on top of a stack. They appreciate that when they work with Scott Levin, they’re getting me. And I stand
behind that commitment to each individual, couple, and family.

The Mediator Matters Most To A Successful Divorce Without Court Process

Many attorneys litigate cases and claim to also perform mediation. Scott focuses on a collaborative, mediation divorce process and does not litigate in court anymore. He focused on mediation and trained with top professionals in the field, dedicating his life to this practice.

Choosing to practice as a mediator exclusively for family law matters, Scott calls this practice peacekeeping. The United States Trademark & Patent Office trademarked the term Chief PeaceKeeper™ in alignment with the values and ethics of his legal practice. 

Scott believes that peacekeeping is not just about resolving legal disputes, but also about
preserving relationships and promoting harmony within families. 

Through his dedication to mediation and peacekeeping, Scott has earned a reputation as a
trusted and compassionate mediator in the field of family law. His commitment to helping
families find peaceful resolutions to their disputes has made him a sought-after mediator in his community. 

Why Clients Choose Scott Levin For Divorce Mediation in San Diego?

After years of litigating cases, Scott Levin became a family law mediator and now never litigates for his clients. 

So many attorneys litigate cases and claim to also perform mediation. In reality, these litigators aren’t trained as mediators, don’t have extensive experience and lack the compassion and tone that is needed when communicating to couples as a mediator. 

Why then do litigation attorneys take on mediation cases? 

Because they want the money! That is the sad truth.  Scott believes family law attorneys  should pick one process or the other, and either represent clients in litigation court fights or dedicate their services in mediation. 

His passion for mediation and peacekeeping shines through in every case he handles, making him a true advocate for peaceful resolutions in family law matters.

Community Involvement and Expertise

Scott Levin became a member of the California State Bar in 2004 and is licensed to practice law
throughout all of California as well as in Federal Court.

Outside of his work at the firm, Scott is an adjunct professor teaching community property at Western Sierra Law School in Oceanside, CA.

Judges, litigating attorneys, and mediators throughout California have respect for Scott because
of his ethics, honesty, and ability. Families share positive feedback about divorce mediation, saying it helped them go through divorce with less stress and more privacy. They feel grateful for the calm and collaborative approach of the process.

Scott is also a husband and hands-on father to my three sons (as of 2024 summer ages 12, 10 and 6). As the dad who coaches the sports teams, shows up to the parent-teacher conferences, and is no stranger to the school pick-up and drop-off lines, Scott relates to parents who seek out amicable separation to protect and love their kids.


  • Juris Doctorate, University of Virginia School of Law
  • Bachelor’s in arts, New York University

Licenses and Certification

Awards and Affiliations

  • Rated Super Lawyer For Family Law in California
  • Second Saturday Divorce Workshop Featured Monthly Presenter for Mediation Law
  • American Bar Association Mediation Week Chair 2023
  • Winner Best Attorney in San Diego, San Diego Metro Magazine 
  • Amicable Divorce Network Member
  • Association of Professional Family Mediators
  • Collaborative Practice San Diego
  • Divorce Lending Association – Named Attorney Loan Expert
  • East County Chamber of Commerce
  • Echelon
  • Encinitas Chamber of Commerce
  • La Jolla Village Merchants Association (member, board of directors)
  • North San Diego Business Chamber
  • Poway Chamber of Commerce (director, board of directors)
  • ProVisors
  • San Diego CAMFT
  • Vesta: A New Vision for Divorce

Scholarly Writings & Publications


Community Involvement and Support

  • Fresh Start Surgical Gifts
  • Jerabek Elementary
  • Kids’ Turn San Diego
  • Labs and More Dog Rescue
  • Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center
  • Old Pros of Scripps Ranch
  • San Diego Jewish Community Foundation
  • Scripps Ranch 4th of July Fun Run
  • University of San Diego
  • University of Virginia School of Law


  • Founder, LiveSource, a fundraising startup that helps organizations maximize fundraising
    through an online auction platform
  • Founder, San Diego Divorce Mediation & Family Law

Phone Number:

(858) 255-1321


about Scott Levin, Chief Peacekeeper™